' ...jerk type lawyer...'
I resemble that remark!
hello to all who are watching.
his honour is being tested by wt lawyer in the last thirty minutes of day 4. the lawyer wants to bring in updates on the societies handling of child molestation cases.. his honour tells the lawyer that if he "lawyer" wants a contest between who is better than who....forget it.. his honour is slightly pissed off as wt lawyer just won't back down and insists that this evidence is very important and........"progressive" ( i think ) his honour then continues to tell nice wt jerk type lawyer, that if he thinks this will dispel all that happened to past victims..........think again.. i rough summary but fairly accurate people......god, that wt lawyer is a hateful lying, scheming son of a bitch........
' ...jerk type lawyer...'
I resemble that remark!
i'm just listening to this so called doctors testimony.
where did the watchtower dig her up from.
her answers have mostly been maybe's and i think!.
Another irony that just occurred to me.. the Watchtower bestow on this woman who is a practicing member of what they have condemned as the worst and most filthy religion in history for 140 years, the greatest responsibility and honour in this very significant, serious and highly publicised Royal Commission's Investigation to defend them and their practices including having full access to the hallowed elders book.
I like the way you put words together. Give me more.
11. If a former child molester continues in a position of responsibility—whether the sin occurred
before or after baptism—there may be some serious problems if he later molests a child. This
could bring great reproach on Jehovah’s name, and it could affect the faith and confidence that our
brothers have in Jehovah’s organization. So the branch office is to consider this matter very carefully,
weighing all the potential implications and factors before determining how a former child molester
is to be used in the congregation.
Looks like they forgot this part.
' This will have a devastating effect on the child. They could be so heavily traumatized that they never recover. They may have to receive years and years of therapy. They may never trust another adult for the rest of their lives. It may destroy their family. The child may even consider suicide or actually kill themselves because of the actions of the child molester.'
i am working on a video montage of all the times one of the jws being questioned is unable to give an answer to a question.
"i don't recall.
" "i can't remember.
Dino Ali statement, under oath, when questioned about teens kissing and being reported to the elders,
" We want to protect children from doing something that might bring some harm to them."
In view one of the reason for this Royal Commission, that must have made a few people gag.
safe to say, if you walked up to any of the 8 million jehovah's witnesses on earth today and told them the.
governing body was a fiction, not only would they refuse to believe you--they'd consider you their immediate enemy!.
what if i told you jw's embrace a mental construct which is at odds with history?.
That doesn't at all look like the cart scenario with Caleb's mother.
this strange couple was seen on main st. in vancouver, b.c.
a casual observer would be hard pressed to figure out their relationship.
the man seems a little young for the woman.
Ahhaa! The mystery is solved.